
What makes Hey Baby Mom different from other brands?

Hey Baby Mom partners with trusted European brands like HiPP and Holle, known for their commitment to organic and natural ingredients. Our products are free from harmful additives, ensuring the highest quality and safety for your baby.

Are your products organic?

Yes, all our baby formulas, cereals, snacks, teas, and baby care products are made with organic ingredients. We prioritize natural and sustainable farming practices to provide the best for your little one.

What age range are your products suitable for?

Our product range caters to babies from newborns to toddlers. Whether you need gentle baby care products, nutritious cereals, or specialized formulas for sensitive tummies, we have options to suit every stage of your baby’s growth.

Do you offer products for babies with special dietary needs?

Yes, we offer a variety of products for babies with special dietary needs, including formulas for sensitive tummies and goat milk formulas. These options are designed to cater to babies with specific dietary requirements or sensitivities.

How do I know which product is right for my baby?

Our detailed product descriptions and customer service team are here to help you make the best choice for your baby. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns, and we’ll assist you in finding the perfect product for your little one.

Can I use Hey Baby Mom products if my baby has allergies?

We offer products free from common allergens and harmful additives. However, if your baby has specific allergies, we recommend consulting with your pediatrician before introducing new products.

Storage & Expiration

How long do your products last before they expire?

Our products typically have a shelf life of 8-10 months from the date of purchase. Sometimes, we may have items with a slightly shorter shelf life depending on the product, but we guarantee at least 3 months before they expire. You can trust that all our products are safe to use until their expiration dates.

You’ll find the expiration dates on each product and listed on their product pages. Please note that we use the European date format (DD/MM/YYYY), not the American one (MM/DD/YYYY).

Do any of your products get subjected to irradiation?

No, none of our formula or food products are ever subjected to irradiation. There are a few misconceptions about what "irradiation" means. It does not involve x-rays or other customs and import-related measures. Instead, irradiation uses radiation to kill food-borne bacteria and sterilize food. This method is never used on our products.

What kind of facility do you ship your products from?

We always ship our products from temperature-controlled warehouses to ensure they stay fresh and safe.

Shipping & Returns

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer international shipping to most countries in order to bring our high-quality products to families around the world! Shipping rates and delivery times may vary depending on your location.

Do you offer free shipping?

Yes, we offer free standard shipping on orders over a $50 for orders containing formula and over $25 on all orders excluding formula within the continental US.

How quickly are orders processed and shipped?

We process and ship orders the same day if they are received by 3 PM EST Monday through Friday, and by 10:30 AM EST on Saturday. Orders placed outside of these hours will be shipped on the next business day.

Can I track my order?

Absolutely. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this number to track your order’s progress and estimated delivery date.

Can I expedite my order?

Yes, we offer expedited shipping options for most orders. During checkout, you can select expedited shipping to receive your items faster. Please note that additional fees may apply for expedited shipping.

Do you accept returns?

Due to agreements with our product manufacturers and the sensitive nature of our products, we are unable to accept returns. This policy ensures the integrity and safety of the items we provide. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

What should I do if my order arrives damaged?

We take great care in packaging your order, but if your items arrive damaged, please contact us immediately. Provide your order number and photos of the damaged items, and we will arrange for a replacement or refund.

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